The Reflex Arc


Scientific studies have shown that when a reflexologist massages the kidney reflex zone on the foot, circulation to the kidney immediately improves. This is a reflex arc -- a stimulus in one area effects another area of your body. Reflexolo-chi accesses these interconnections and provides a relaxing signal for particular pathways in your nervous system. As this relaxation occurs, the messages in your nervous system travel more clearly and the body's systems come into balance. The melding touch of reflexolo-chi allows us to come into rapport with your energy.

We Access Chi/Energy

chi energy

With the right touch, reflexolo-chi not only affects the nervous system; but works with the energy that flows through the body. With this connection, we clear blockages as well as balanced and restore energy flow. Nobel winning physicist John Hagelin has described energy as the skeleton around which matter is formed. Working with both the nervous system and the energy creates powerful healing connection.

Healing With Gentle Power

gentle power

Reflexolo-chi uses gentle power, melding with your tissue to melt away tension and heal areas of your body. It differs from traditional reflexology which often involves strong pressure on the feet that can actually be painful. With reflexolo-chi, we use a gentle pressure to tune in to the needs of your body and work "with it" rather than "on it" like a mechanic. We call this melding. This melding allows us to work in a very integrated way with your body, producing faster and more profound results as well as a much more pleasant session. After a session, I've often been told "I've never been this relaxed" and "I feel like I'm walking on air."